How should we interpret the text of the Bible? Pastor Steve offers some practical advice for how to study the Bible. Also Mark talks about the topic of forgiveness in prayer and the 4th question in the Westminster Confession: "What is God?"
This week's podcast is published a couple days later than normal. I'm just returning from vacation. Here's what I have lined up for you in this week's podcast:
[0:00] Intro. I talk about my trip to Myrtle Beach and the stormy weather on the way back.
[13:45] Forgiveness and Prayer. We continue to consider the Lord's Prayer as our model for our daily prayers. In this week's podcast we discuss the issue of forgiveness - forgiving others and forgiving ourselves.
[25:25] Question 4. What is God? That's an uncomfortable question. We're much more comfortable talking about Who is God? We'll take 3 podcast sessions to get started on this question. This theological study comes from G.I. Williamson's book on the Westminster Shorter Catechism.
[39:55] CR Sermon: "How To Interpret A Text." Steve does an excellent job teaching for me this week. Here are some highlights. A verse of the Bible means what it means. There may be many applications but only one meaning. There are no secrets in the Bible. We should look for the most obvious meaning. Steve also shares some great advice about prayer. You can't fall when you're on your knees! If God does not give you what you're asking for, he will give you something better. We're not always good at asking for what is best for us. Prayer is the passwoord to all God wants to do in our life. Prayer is not a spare tire to be taken out when things go wrong. Prayer is the steerin wheel that guides us! Finally this valuable tidbit: Prayerlessness is practical atheism! This is a great talk! Don't miss it! Thanks so much Pastor Steve!
Music for this week's podcast is The Storm from Ray Boltz's album, Allegiance.
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